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Sport led by AMSA

Our Provision for PE and how all children are included

We are a passionate company dedicated to creating enjoyable, positive, learning environments for all children to express themselves through a number of different sports. We maximise participation, encourage ownership of learning and instil the confidence in children to experiment with new skills and ideas. 

We take great satisfaction in giving the children the ambition and inspiration to want to work hard and develop their ability. We teach them to work as part of a team and show good sportsmanship in times of success and failure.

At the AM Sports Academy, we are determined to provide every child with the opportunity and knowledge to compete in sport. To achieve this, every session is strategically planned and structured so children develop into confident young athletes.

AMSA Parent Update End of Autumn 1 Report 2023-24

AMSA Parent Update End of Year Report July 2023

AMSA Parent Update Summer 2023

AMSA PE Curriculum Map 

AMSA PE Curriculum Aims

AMSA Autumn 2022 Newsletter

AMSA Parent Update Spring 2023

AMSA  After School Clubs - Spring Term 2023

AMSA Parent Update September 2022

AMSA Sports Academy - find out more by clicking here

AMSA PE Curriculum 

Our team events/competions and selection process

At AM Sports Academy we believe that children need a healthy balance of fun and competitiveness in their sporting education. We provide chances for children to compete as a team or individuals in Fixtures or Events against other schools. Our aim is to have every child in a School Year competing in at least one competitive event or fixture. We organise fixtures soon after the children have completed their 6 or 7 week lessons on each specific Sport. Generally we aim external fixtures at KS2 children, due to their age and maturity when leaving the school premises to represent the school. Our selection process is designed to include as many children as possible. We keep a Fixture Tracker, which details exactly which fixture/event children have competed in and when.