We are consulting on our Admissions Arrangements for 2023/24. This consultation commenced at 9am Monday 1 November 2021 and will close at 5pm on Monday 13 December 2021. To take part in the consultation, please email your comments to Miss McCollin using the following email address: office@wandsworth.floreat.org.uk.
Our Admissions Arrangements for 2023/24 is available here below in full. Anyone wishing to participate in the consultation is encouraged to read these in detail.
Floreat Wandsworth Admissions Policy 2023/24
The key changes to our admissions arrangements are as follows:
The removal of the ‘social/medical’ oversubscription criteria as our school aspire support any child whatever their needs.
The addition of the ‘school staff’ oversubscription criteria to provide the same benefit of employment to all GLF staff.
The removal of the use of catchment areas to ensure those who live nearest to the school have priority of admission.
The removal of the ‘nearest school’ oversubscription criteria. This follows guidance from the Schools’ Adjudicator that this criteria should not be used as it inadvertently creates a catchment area.
This consultation is taking place in accordance with the requirements as set out in the School Admissions Code (here). The consultation must take place for six weeks and it is good practice that this six-week period excludes school holidays.
The GLF Trust Board is the Admissions Authority for our School. It will review all responses to the consultation prior to agreeing the final Admissions Arrangements for 2023/24. These will be published on our website no later than Tuesday 15 March 2022, in line with the statutory requirement.