Our School Development Plan
In 2024-25 we will focus on three particular strands of school improvement/development. These strands are part of our robust approach to providing a high standard QUALITY OF EDUCATION for all pupils as part of our EVERY CHILD FLOURISHING motto.
TEACHING & LEARNING: The standard of teaching and learning will be at a consistently high in every year group for all pupils (including SEND, EYFS, PP & EAL). There will be clear evidence of excellent pupil outcomes as a result. Our Approach to Teaching & Learning ('The FW Way') will be evidenced in every lesson. CUSP Reading will be in implemented in 2024-25. CUSP Reading is a knowledge-rich and evidence-led approach built upon core texts. It focuses on high-quality literature, vocabulary development, and retrieval practice to ensure a strong foundation in reading skills. Children will engage in a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books with individual copies. Our new reading spine can be found here.
CLOSING THE GAP: The team will focus on pupils achieving their personal best outcomes. The first 20% will make better than expected progress from their respective baselines (including SEND, Early Years, Pupil Premium & pupils with English as an Additional Language). All pupils will demonstrate good+ progress from their respective baselines and some pupils will demonstrate accelerated progress. There will be particular focus on reading and writing progress in 2024-25 (our new CUSP Reading approach will support this focus - see point 1 above).
CURRICULUM EFFECTIVENESS: In 2023/24 we embarked on a curriculum and team alignment strategy alongside other GLF Schools to ensure that we make the most of our opportunities to collaborate and learn from each other. Our first step was to change our approach to the Knowledge part of our vision which includes improvements to our History, Science, Art, Geography and Design & Technology teaching through a new GLF Curriculum and project-based learning approach. Team collaboration between other schools within the cluster strengthened the curriculum offer for pupils, reduced staff workload and established even better career pathways for staff. In 2024-25 we will contimue to improve effectiveness of the curriculum by demonstrating high standards in pupil progress and outcomes (e.g. through the books or captured via the voice of the pupils).
Click on the links below to find out more about our Curriculum Vision, the GLF Curriculum, our approach to Cultural Capital and our simple and effective methods for Teaching and Learning
Pupils will master character
virtues such as bravery, service,
honesty and creativity.
Pupils will have confident
and accomplished skills in English
and Maths as well the
ability to think creatively and critically.
Pupils will have a deep knowledge
and understanding of the world around them.