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Our Work With Families

We believe that the purpose of schooling is to help children flourish, and this can be done be developing both their intellectual abilities and their character virtues. We strongly believe that children flourish when both the family and the school are working together.

The parents of children in this school are very supportive of what we do and know that we value feedback. Togther we have designed a Family Handbook which can be found on our Policies Page (please click the link below).

Policies Page


Our academic approach introduces children to the best that has been thought and known through a knowledge-rich curriculum, including the study of discrete subjects from Nursery onwards. We use the Sounds Write programme to teach literacy and a Mastery programme to teach Maths. To develop their intellectual curiosity, children engage in either adventure learning or service learning projects, enabling them to extend their skills and knowledge in outdoor activities or in the service of the community.

The entire culture of the school – from our behaviour policy to assemblies, from how we recruit and train staff to how we interact with parents – is geared to making sure children aspire to academic excellence and develop a range of good character traits that will set them up for a flourishing life.  All pupils have a weekly character education lesson and service learning projects allow them the chance to develop their character strengths while helping others. 

Some other important features of the school include:

  • Admissions: Floreat Wandsworth is an open and inclusive community school. It does not have a faith or religious ethos. The main oversubscription criterion is the distance between home and school.
  • A longer school day: school runs from 8:30 to 3:30, with the opportunity to attend extra-curricular activities from 3:45 to 4:45 5 days a week. Parents have told us that this suits them and their children.
  • Breakfast club and childcare: We provide a breakfast club between 7:30 and 8:30 and we host paid-for childcare on site at the school between the end of the school day and 6pm. The school never closes early and is open to pupils 187 days a year from 7.30am to 6pm. 
  • A shorter school year: the school year is 187 days compared to the usual 190 days. This is to accommodate the additional training we will offer our staff. Pupils come back to school a week later than other local schools in September.
  • More contact time with teachers: because of the longer school day our children have more contact time with teachers than pupils in other schools, even with the shorter year.
  • Uniform: Floreat Wandsworth have a smart uniform, based on our colours, which children are expected to wear properly at all times.
  • Clear and high expectations of behaviour: all members of our school community are held to the highest expectations of conduct at all time, as explained in our behaviour policy and home school agreement.
  • Part of the GLF family: Floreat Wandsworth Primary School is part of a growing group of GLF primary schools in the south of England. Being part of this group will bring many benefits – joint educational, sporting and cultural activities for pupils, and co-ordinated training and development for staff.
  • A community school: serving other people is one of our core values and we are incredibly excited about contributing to the thriving community around the school. Our facilities are available for community usage outside of school hours and wherever possible we will help local community groups with meeting space and other support. The school’s governing body includes community representatives, including a Council-appointed governor and parent governors, and a strong Parent Teacher and Friends Association has been established, so that the parents are are deeply involved in ensuring the children are at the heart of everything we do.