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The school has stringent measures in place to protect all pupils from any form of bullying.

Staff are trained in what constitutes bullying, the forms or bullying and how to address it. A robust Anti-Bullying Policy is in place and can be found on our Policies page. 

Workshops regularly take place and are hosted by local anti-bullying leads.

Anti-Bullying - What we do every week...

  • focus on character virtues such as honesty and kindness
  • a simple and effective Calm School Code
  • a culture of inclusion and togetherness across the school
  • open plan school with strategically placed staff on the playground to support pupils
  • weekly assemblies with age-appropriate messages and topic-based discussions
  • instant monitoring and investigating if a bullying allegation is raised by pupils, parents or staff

Anti-Bullying Week 

Every year we focus on what bullying is and how mitigate the risk of it happening in school. 

As part of our Anti-Bullying week provision, we invited Mark Holliday, who is the Deputy Head of Education Inclusion at Wandsworth, into Floreat to speak to our families, staff and our children. We had a great turnout to the family event! Lots of useful questions were asked and interesting discussions were had. 

Below you will find Mark's presentation.

Anti-Bullying Workshop 

Please see the policies page


for a link to the latest version of our Anti-Bullying Policy.