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GLF Central Policies 

The GLF Central Policies are displayed within the following links and are updated regularly. 

GLF Schools central policies are available on the GLF website here  

Link to GLF Schools governance overview 

Link to GLF Schools financial information 

The Central Policies include the list below:
Education L&G
E-Safety Policy Complaints Policy and Procedural Guide
Intimate Care Data Protection
Off- Site Activities Health & Safety
Physical Intervention Policy Information Security
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Procedure for Responding to Concerns about GLF Schools
  Risk Management Policy
  Schools Freedom of Information
HR Whistleblowing Policy
Behaviour towards Staff by Parents, Carers and Visitors Policy  
Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work Policy                                 GDPR
Gender Pay Gap Report Retention Schedule
ICT Acceptable Use  Privacy Notice for Job Applicants
  Privacy Notice for Parents/Carers
Finance Privacy Notice for Pupils
Charging Policy Annex 5 Privacy Notice for Staff
  Privacy Notice for Visitors


School Policies

Paper copies of School policies are available free of charge from the School Office.

Accessibility Policy

Admissions Change Notice from GLF for 2021-22 & 2022-23

Admissions 2022-23

Admissions 2023-24

Admissions 2024-25

Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Radicalisation Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

Class Mixing Statement 2024-25

Early Years Policy 

Diversity & Inclusion Policy

Diversity & Equality Plan

Family Handbook (this includes the Home School Agreement)

First Aid Policy

Independent Travel Policy (walking only)

Meeting All Needs Policy

Personal, Social, Sex, Health & Relationships Education Policy (PSSHRE)

Remote Learning Plan

Remote Learning Policy

Safeguarding Policy Addendum for Covid-19

Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy

SEND Policy

SEND Policy Addendum for Covid 19

SEND Report 2022-23

SEND Report 2023-24

SEND Report Addendum for Covid19

Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC) Development

Travel Plan

Uniform Policy